Monday, December 30, 2013

Yes, we really were the Holy Family!

In all our crazy glory, the Shear family - all 5 of us - recently took a turn as the Holy Family (aka Mary, Joseph, and Jesus) for our church's annual Christmas Pageant. Watch the clip below and see if you can spot me, Mark, and all three kids. Hints: Roo plays Jesus; the Monkey plays a sheep, and the Squid is an angel.

It was fun, but my acting career is definitely over! Pretty sure Mark feels the same way - at least in terms of playing Joseph! The kids will be in many more, though, as this was the Squid's third time as an angel and the Monkey wants to be a pig in next year's pageant. There must have been pigs, but I don't think we've ever had one in the pageant. Who knows, though, maybe they'll add one for her. It would be a very Unitarian thing to do!

Roo has a few years to go before he can be in the pageant again, but he'll always be able to say that he was Jesus! How many people can say that?!?

And how awesome are ALL the kids in the pageant! We really had an amazingly talented cast.

12.22.13 First Service Christmas Pageant from First Unitarian Church on Vimeo.
Our beautiful children enacting the wonderful story of hope and light in the world!

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